Casparis Community


?} Kenneth Casparis purchased the acreage where the stone was located and also the Charles Hampshire Farm in 1916 and started the Casparis Quarry.A number of people came with Kenneth Casparis and settled on the mountain above South Connellsville, PA. Eighteen homes were erected to house the families that worked at the Casparis Quarry. One of the carpenters who helped build the houses near the quarry was J.M. Tressler, who was later to become the first president of the South Connellsville, PA Borough Council.A school to educate the children and boarding houses were also part of the Casparis Community. The teachers who taught at the Casparis School had only two modes of transportation available to them. Some rode horses and others would travel by the Suburban Street Railway to the "end of the line" and then walk the last part of their journey. Other teachers were known to travel by horse from the Springfield Pike (Route 711) and Tanyard Hallow Road to Casparis for their daily teaching duties.